科马克的生死 (The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald)
作者: [未知] 未知 (unknow)
分类: 其它,
难度: 大学,
长度: 短篇,
语言: 英文
Chapter 1: Cormac's Fore-Elders.
Chapter 2: How Cormac Was Born and Bred.
Chapter 3: How Cormac Fell In Love
Chapter 4: How Cormac Liked Black-Puddings
Chapter 5: They Waylay Cormac: And The Witch Curses Him
Chapter 6: Cormac Wins His Bride and Loses Her
Chapter 7: How Steingerd Was Married To Somebody Else
Chapter 8: How Cormac Chased Bersi And His Bride
Chapter 9: Of Another Witch, And Two Magic Swords
Chapter 10: The Fight On Leidarholm
Chapter 11: The Songs That Were Made About The Fight
Chapter 12: Bersi's Bad Luck At The Thor's-Ness Thing
Chapter 13: Steingerd Leaves Bersi
Chapter 14: The Bane Of Thorkel Toothgnasher
Chapter 15: The Rescue Of Steinvor Slim-ankles
Chapter 16: How Vali Fell Before An Old Man And A Boy
Chapter 17: How Steingerd Was Married Again
Chapter 18: Cormac's Voyage To Norway
Chapter 19: How Cormac Fought In Ireland, And Went Home To Iceland; And How He Met Steingerd Again
Chapter 20: Of A Spiteful Song That Cormac Never Made; And How Angry Steingerd Was
Chapter 21: How Thorvard Would Not Fight, But Tried To Get The Law Of Cormac
Chapter 22: What The Witch Did For Them In Their Fights
Chapter 23: How Cormac Beat Thorvard Again
Chapter 24: How They All Went Out To Norway
Chapter 25: How They Cruised With The King's Fleet, And Quarrelled, And Made It Up
Chapter 26: How Cormac Saved Steingerd Once More From Pirates; And How They Parted For Good And All
Chapter 27: The Swan-Songs of Cormac