Chapter 12: Bersi's Bad Luck At The Thor's-Ness Thing | 科马克的生死
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In the winter, sports were held at Saurbae. Bersi's lad, Asmund, was there, and likewise the sons of Thord; but they were younger than he, and nothing like so sturdy. When they wrestled Asmund took no heed to stint his strength, and the sons of Thord often came home blue and bleeding. Their mother Thordis was ill pleased, and asked her husband would he give Bersi a hint to make it up on behalf of his son. Nay, Thord answered, he was loath to do that.
"Then I'll find my brother Bork," said she, "and it will be just as bad in the end."
Thord bade her do no such thing. "I would rather talk it over with him," said he; and so, at her wish, he met Bersi, and hinted that some amends were owing.
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Chapter 12: Bersi's Bad Luck At The Thor's-Ness Thing