Chapter 20: Of A Spiteful Song That Cormac Never Made; And How Angry Steingerd Was | 科马克的生死
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Now Thorvald the Tinker lived in the north-country at Svinadal (Swindale), but his brother Thorvard at Fliot. In the winter Cormac took his way northward to see Steingerd; and coming to Svinadal he dismounted and went into the chamber. She was sitting on the dais, and he took his seat beside her; Thorvald sat on the bench, and Narfi by him.
Then said Narfi to Thorvald, "How canst thou sit down, with Cormac here? It is no time, this, for sitting still!"
But Thorvald answered, "I am content; there is no harm done it seems to me, though they do talk together."
"That is ill," said Narfi.
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Chapter 20: Of A Spiteful Song That Cormac Never Made; And How Angry Steingerd Was