Chapter 9: Of Another Witch, And Two Magic Swords | 科马克的生死
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There was a woman called Thordis -- and a shrew she was -- who lived at Spakonufell (Spaequean's-fell), in Skagastrand. She, having foresight of Cormac's goings, came that very day to Muli, and answered this matter on his behalf, saying, "Never give him yon false woman. She is a fool, and not fit for any pretty man. Woe will his mother be at such a fate for her lad!"
"Aroint thee, foul witch!" cried Thord. They should see, said he, that Helga would turn out fine. But Cormac answered, "Said it may be, for sooth it may be: I will never think of her."
"Woe to us, then," said Thorgils, "for listening to the words of yon fiend, and slighting this offer!"
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Chapter 9: Of Another Witch, And Two Magic Swords