第三十章: 结婚之前 The interval before the Marriage | 董贝父子
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Although the enchanted house was no more, and the working world had broken into it, and was hammering and crashing and tramping up and down stairs all day long, keeping Diogenes in an incessant paroxysm of barking, from sunrise to sunset -- evidently convinced that his enemy had got the better of him at last, and was then sacking the premises in triumphant defiance -- there was, at first, no other great change in the method of Florence's life. At night, when the workpeople went away, the house was dreary and deserted again; and Florence, listening to their voices echoing through the hall and staircase as they departed, pictured to herself the cheerful homes to which they were returning, and the children who were waiting for them, and was glad to think that they were merry and well pleased to go.
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第三十章: 结婚之前 The interval before the Marriage