第十五章: 恼人的旧纽带,青春的魅力 The Irk of the Old Ties -- The Magic of Youth | 嘉莉妹妹
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The complete ignoring by Hurstwood of his own home came with the growth of his affection for Carrie. His actions, in all that related to his family, were of the most perfunctory kind. He sat at breakfast with his wife and children, absorbed in his own fancies, which reached far without the realm of their interests. He read his paper, which was heightened in interest by the shallowness of the themes discussed by his son and daughter. Between himself and his wife ran a river of indifference.
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第十五章: 恼人的旧纽带,青春的魅力 The Irk of the Old Ties -- The Magic of Youth