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But after this the long days in prison for Clyde. Except for a weekly visit from his mother, who, once she was entered upon her work, found it difficult to see him more often than that -- traveling as she did in the next two months between Albany and Buffalo and even New York City -- but without the success she had at first hoped for. For in the matter of her appeal to the churches and the public -- as most wearily (and in secret if not to Clyde)-- and after three weeks of more or less regional and purely sectarian trying, she was compelled to report the Christians at least were very indifferent -- not as Christian as they should be. For as all, but more particularly the ministers of the region, since they most guardedly and reservedly represented their congregations in every instance, unanimously saw it, here was a notorious and, of course, most unsavory trial which had resulted in a conviction with which the more conservative element of the country -- if one could judge by the papers at least, were in agreement.
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