第三十一章 | 美国的悲剧(第三卷)
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In the meantime, however, Asa's condition had remained serious, and it was four entire months before it was possible for him to sit up again or for Mrs. Griffiths to dream of resuming her lecturing scheme. But by that time, public interest in her and her son's fate was considerably reduced. No Denver paper was interested to finance her return for anything she could do for them. And as for the public in the vicinity of the crime, it remembered Mrs. Griffiths and her son most clearly, and in so far as she was concerned, sympathetically -- but only, on the other hand, to think of him as one who probably was guilty and in that case, being properly punished for his crime -- that it would be as well if an appeal were not taken -- or -- if it were -- that it be refused. These guilty criminals with their interminable appeals!
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