Chapter 46: Enchantments and Enchanters | 密西西比河上的生活
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The largest annual event in New Orleans is a something which we arrived too late to sample -- the Mardi-Gras festivities. I saw the procession of the Mystic Crew of Comus there, twenty-four years ago -- with knights and nobles and so on, clothed in silken and golden Paris-made gorgeousnesses, planned and bought for that single night's use; and in their train all manner of giants, dwarfs, monstrosities, and other diverting grotesquerie -- a startling and wonderful sort of show, as it filed solemnly and silently down the street in the light of its smoking and flickering torches; but it is said that in these latter days the spectacle is mightily augmented, as to cost, splendor, and variety. There is a chief personage --'Rex;' and if I remember rightly, neither this king nor any of his great following of subordinates is known to any outsider. All these people are gentlemen of position and consequence; and it is a proud thing to belong to the organization; so the mystery in which they hide their personality is merely for romance's sake, and not on account of the police.
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Chapter 46: Enchantments and Enchanters