第六章: 波卡洪塔斯之夫 A husband for Pocahontas |
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For four years after that, things were very bad. Sometimes Pocahontas tried to help the English. But to Powhatan and Opekankanu, the English were enemies, and they wanted to kill them all.
Powhatan gave the English no more corn. His men came at night to Jamestown, and took guns and other things. When they found Englishmen in the forest or by the river, they killed them and took their guns. And so Powhatan now had many guns in Werowocomoco.
The new leaders of Jamestown were very unhappy about this. "How can we stop Powhatan?" they said. "We must get those guns back from him."
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第六章: 波卡洪塔斯之夫 A husband for Pocahontas