第五章: 约翰·史密斯失踪了 Where is John Smith? | 风中奇缘(简化版)
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In the winter of 1608 the English in Jamestown were hungry again. So John Smith went to Werowocomoco and asked Powhatan for corn. He took many beautiful glass beads with him, because the Indians loved these things. But Powhatan wanted more than beads.
"You can have corn," he said, "but you must build one of your big English houses for me -- with windows of glass. And you must give me some guns."
"A house -- yes," said Smith. "Tomorrow my men can bring things from Jamestown and begin to build a house for you. But guns -- no. Friends do not need guns."
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第五章: 约翰·史密斯失踪了 Where is John Smith?