第六章: 母亲、儿子及其他亲人 Mothers, sons, and other relations |
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Captain Rawdon Crawley, although a big man and so an easy mark for a shot, returned safe and well from the Battle of Waterloo. Indeed, his bravery on the battlefield was so great that it brought him promotion to Colonel Crawley.
Becky rejoined her husband at Cambray, a town some miles north of Paris. When she left Brussels, careful little woman that she was, she travelled with all her valuables sewn into her clothes. On meeting Rawdon, she unsewed herself and brought out all the jewellery, cheques, and bank-notes hidden in her long skirts.
Rawdon roared with delighted laughter. "This is better than a play at the theatre!" he said.
"And the best joke of all is this," said Becky, holding up a particularly thick bunch of bank-notes.
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第六章: 母亲、儿子及其他亲人 Mothers, sons, and other relations