第五章: 在布鲁塞尔等待战争 Waiting for war in Brussels | 名利场(简化版)
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Napoleon Bonaparte would be defeated, people said, almost without a struggle. Weren't the armies of Europe and the great Duke of Wellington lined up against him? Everyone had such perfect confidence in the result of the battle that the atmosphere in Brussels was one of pleasure and enjoyment. The city was full of fashionable English people, riding in the park, going to the opera, dancing and gambling the nights away.
Amelia was very happy for her first two weeks in Brussels. She was young and sweet-natured, and George's army friends thought she was "a pretty little thing". Everybody liked her and George himself was full of kind attention to his wife, buying her little gifts, and taking her out every night to a party or the opera.
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第五章: 在布鲁塞尔等待战争 Waiting for war in Brussels