第三章: 安德鲁、简、牧师和狐狸 Andrew, Jane, the Parson, and the Fox | 长池村的故事
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It all happened because Andrew Satchel liked his drink too much. Jane Vallens, his bride, was some years older than him, and was in a great hurry to get married. Andrew agreed to marry her because of the baby, but he didn't really want to get married, and Jane, poor thing, was afraid of losing him. She was very anxious to get him to church as soon as possible.
So she was very happy, early on a fine November morning, when she and Andrew walked to the church just outside her village. Andrew's brother and sister went with them, to be their witnesses. After the wedding Andrew and Jane planned to go down to Port Bredy and spend the day there, as a little holiday.
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第三章: 安德鲁、简、牧师和狐狸 Andrew, Jane, the Parson, and the Fox