第二章: 托尼·凯茨讨老婆 Tony Kytes Finds a Wife | 长池村的故事
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I shall never forget Tony's face. It was a little, round face, with bright black eyes. He never smiled very much, but he was a great favourite with the women. And he liked them, oh yes! One week you saw him walking along with one girl, the next week you saw him with another girl.
But in the end he decided that Milly Richards was the girl for him. She was a nice, sweet little thing, and people soon said they were engaged to be married.
One Saturday Tony went to market, to do some business for his father, and he drove the wagon home in the afternoon. When he got to the hill just outside the town, he saw Unity Sallet by the side of the road. He knew Unity very well. Once, he nearly asked her to marry him -- but then he got together with Milly.
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第二章: 托尼·凯茨讨老婆 Tony Kytes Finds a Wife