第九章: 麦可解不开的咒语 In which Michael has trouble with a spell |
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It was the sea captain, come for his wind spell at last, and not at all pleased at having to wait. "If I miss my tide, boy," he said to Michael, "I shall have a word with the Sorcerer about you. I don't like lazy boys."
Michael, in Sophie's opinion, was far too polite to him, but she was feeling too dejected to interfere. When the captain had gone, Michael went to the bench to frown over his spell again and Sophie sat silently mending her stockings. She had only one pair and her knobby feet had worn huge holes in them. Her gray dress by this time was frayed and dirty. She wondered whether she dared cut the least-stained bits out of Howl's ruined blue-and-silver suit to make herself a new skirt with. But she did not quite dare.
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第九章: 麦可解不开的咒语 In which Michael has trouble with a spell