Chapter 15: Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject | 雀斑
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A week later everything at the Limberlost was precisely as it had been before the tragedy, except the case in Freckles' room now rested on the stump of the newly felled tree. Enough of the vines were left to cover it prettily, and every vestige of the havoc of a few days before was gone. New guards were patrolling the trail. Freckles was roughly laying off the swamp in sections and searching for marked trees. In that time he had found one deeply chipped and the chip cunningly replaced and tacked in. It promised to be quite rare, so he was jubilant. He also found so many subjects for the Bird Woman that her coming was of almost daily occurrence, and the hours he spent with her and the Angel were nothing less than golden.
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Chapter 15: Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject