
雀斑 (Freckles)

作者: [美国] 吉恩·斯特拉顿-波特 (Gene Stratton-Porter)
分类: 其它, 难度: 大学, 长度: 长篇, 语言: 双语


Chapter 1: Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard is Hired Chapter 2: Wherein Freckles Proves His Mettle and Finds Friends Chapter 3: Wherein a Feather Falls and a Soul is Born Chapter 4: Wherein Freckles Faces Trouble Bravely and Opens the Way for New Experiences Chapter 5: Wherein an Angel Materializes and a Man Worships Chapter 6: Wherein a Fight Occurs and Women Shoot Straight Chapter 7: Wherein Freckles Wins Honor and Finds a Footprint on the Trail Chapter 8: Wherein Freckles Meets a Man of Affairs and Loses Nothing by the Encounter Chapter 9: Wherein the Limberlost Falls Upon Mrs. Duncan and Freckles Comes to the Rescue Chapter 10: Wherein Freckles Strives Mightily and the Swamp Angel Rewards Him Chapter 11: Wherein the Butterflies Go on a Spree and Freckles Informs the Bird Woman Chapter 12: Wherein Black Jack Captures Freckles and the Angel Captures Jack Chapter 13: Wherein the Angel Releases Freckles, and the Curse of Black Jack Falls Upon Her Chapter 14: Wherein Freckles Nurses a Heartache and Black Jack Drops out Chapter 15: Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject Chapter 16: Wherein the Angel Locates a Rare Tree and Dines with the Gang Chapter 17: Wherein Freckles Offers His Life for His Love and Gets a Broken Body Chapter 18: Wherein Freckles Refuses Love Without Knowledge of Honorable Birth, and the Angel Goes in Quest of It Chapter 19: Wherein Freckles Finds His Birthright and the Angel Loses Her Heart Chapter 20: Wherein Freckles Returns to the Limberlost, and Lord O'more Sails for Ireland Without Him