第三章: 读者可以看到一家之主的董贝先生作为人和父亲时的表现 In which Mr. Dombey, as a Man and a Father, is seen at the Head of the Home-Department |
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The funeral of the deceased lady having been "performed," to the entire satisfaction of the undertaker, as well as of the neighbourhood at large, which is generally disposed to be captious on such a point, and is prone to take offence at any omissions or short-comings in the ceremonies, the various members of Mr. Dombey's household subsided into their several places in the domestic system. That small world, like the great one out of doors, had the capacity of easily forgetting its dead; and when the cook had said she was a quiet-tempered lady, and the housekeeper had said it was the common lot, and the butler had said who'd have thought it, and the housemaid had said she couldn't hardly believe it, and the footman had said it seemed exactly like a dream, they had quite worn the subject out, and began to think their mourning was wearing rusty too.
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第三章: 读者可以看到一家之主的董贝先生作为人和父亲时的表现 In which Mr. Dombey, as a Man and a Father, is seen at the Head of the Home-Department