第十三章: 苏菲抹黑哈尔的名声 In which Sophie blackens Howl’s name | 哈尔的移动城堡
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Sophie was feeling decidedly queer again when they reached the Palace. Its many golden domes dazzled her. The way to the front entrance was up a huge flight of steps, with a soldier in scarlet standing every six steps. The poor boys must have been near fainting in this heat, Sophie thought as she puffed her way dizzily past them.
At the top of the steps were archways, halls, corridors, lobbies, one after another. Sophie lost count of how many. At every archway a splendidly dressed person wearing white gloves -- still somehow white in spite of the heat-inquired their business and then led them on to the next personage in the next archway.
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第十三章: 苏菲抹黑哈尔的名声 In which Sophie blackens Howl’s name