第十五章: 沐书香寒门出才俊,别美婢绔绔痛出洋 | 京华烟云
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The next morning the whole family saw Tijen off at the railway station, except the mother, who was weeping at home, and Coral, who stayed with her. It was an exciting event, for there had never before been a parting in the family. Lifu also came and met them at the station and went into the train with the sisters to have a last chat with Tijen. Sunya and Chinya came rushing into the station at the last minute, when the rest had already come down from the trainband had time only to exchange a few words with Tijen and to hand him a package of presents through the window. Tijen at the window with his white collar and scarlet tie below his white face and high, straight nose appeared really like a "foreign devil." Mr. Yao stood on the platform silently watching the train pull out of the station.
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第十五章: 沐书香寒门出才俊,别美婢绔绔痛出洋