第十六章: 遇风雨富商庇寒士,开蟹宴姚府庆中秋 | 京华烟云
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That summer there was a pouring rain for ten days, which was quite unusual, for in Peking the summer rains usually come only in brief torrential showers, leaving the city cool and pleasant as soon as they are over. The rains prevented visits, and the sisters stayed at home, amusing themselves with Redjade and making her tell them stories about Hangchow. The news that the Yaos were trying to find a match for Silverscreen soon reached Bluehaze, and one day she paid a visit to the house, to act as the intercessor for Silverscreen, and she promised to help find a match for her.
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第十六章: 遇风雨富商庇寒士,开蟹宴姚府庆中秋