第七章: 托克斯小姐的住所以及托克斯小姐爱情状况的鸟瞰 A Bird's-eye Glimpse of Miss Tox's Dwelling-place: also of the State of Miss Tox's Affections | 董贝父子
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Miss Tox inhabited a dark little house that had been squeezed, at some remote period of English History, into a fashionable neighbourhood at the west end of the town, where it stood in the shade like a poor relation of the great street round the corner, coldly looked down upon by mighty mansions. It was not exactly in a court, and it was not exactly in a yard; but it was in the dullest of No-Thoroughfares, rendered anxious and haggard by distant double knocks. The name of this retirement, where grass grew between the chinks in the stone pavement, was Princess's Place; and in Princess's Place was Princess's Chapel, with a tinkling bell, where sometimes as many as five-and-twenty people attended service on a Sunday. The Princess's Arms was also there, and much resorted to by splendid footmen. A sedan chair was kept inside the railing before the Princess's Arms, but it had never come out within the memory of man; and on fine mornings, the top of every rail (there were eight-and-forty, as Miss Tox had often counted) was decorated with a pewter-pot.
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第七章: 托克斯小姐的住所以及托克斯小姐爱情状况的鸟瞰 A Bird's-eye Glimpse of Miss Tox's Dwelling-place: also of the State of Miss Tox's Affections