第一卷 第八章: 无人的地方发现有人 Those Who Are Found Where There Is Said to Be Nobody |
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As soon as the sad little boy had withdrawn from the fire he clasped the money tight in the palm of his hand, as if thereby to fortify his courage, and began to run. There was really little danger in allowing a child to go home alone on this part of Egdon Heath. The distance to the boy's house was not more than three-eighths of a mile, his father's cottage, and one other a few yards further on, forming part of the small hamlet of Mistover Knap: the third and only remaining house was that of Captain Vye and Eustacia, which stood quite away from the small cottages and was the loneliest of lonely houses on these thinly populated slopes.
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第一卷 第八章: 无人的地方发现有人 Those Who Are Found Where There Is Said to Be Nobody