第二十七章: 红玉阿非纯情挚爱,青梅竹马两小无猜 |
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Soon after dinner, Grandmother said she needed a nap, and the elder ladies went in to the front courts with her. The rest of the company scattered to wander about in the mansion. Huaiyu said that he and his family had to leave because of an appointment. For Inging, it had not been a successful party. Although her husband had shone during the conversation, she felt that she had not been accepted quite as an equal of a wife, and the women had not been entirely natural with her.
Having accompanied Huaiyu and his family to the rear gate, Mr. Yao turned back, and came up to Lifu, and to the latter's surprise, said, "You answered him right. Good for you!"
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第二十七章: 红玉阿非纯情挚爱,青梅竹马两小无猜