第三十章: 睡梦中的人 The Sleeper | 偷书贼
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Max Vandenburg slept for three days.
In certain excerpts of that sleep, Liesel watched him. You might say that by the third day it became an obsession, to check on him, to see if he was still breathing. She could now interpret his signs of life, from the movement of his lips, his gathering beard, and the twigs of hair that moved ever so slightly when his head twitched in the dream state.
Often, when she stood over him, there was the mortifying thought that he had just woken up, his eyes splitting open to view her -- to watch her watching. The idea of being caught out plagued and enthused her at the same time. She dreaded it. She invited it. Only when Mama called out to her could she drag herself away, simultaneously soothed and disappointed that she might not be there when he woke.
Sometimes, close to the end of the marathon of sleep, he spoke.
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第三十章: 睡梦中的人 The Sleeper