对待感激的新态度 A New Attitude to Gratitude | 英语美文: 前行
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One of the nice things about having grown children is that I no longer have to bug them about writing thank-you notes. When they were little, all three would dictate thank-yous that I would include with drawings they'd made of their presents. By the time Eleanor, Sarah and Drew were old enough to write their own thank-you notes, however, they would do so only with much prodding.
"Have you written to thank Grandy for the book yet?" I'd ask. "What did you say to Aunt Dorothy about that top?" Invariably, I'd be met with mumbles and shrugs.
One year, in the days following Christmas, I'd grown weary of nagging. The children had become mother-deaf. Frustrated, I declared that no one would be allowed to play with a new toy or wear a new outfit until the appropriate thank-you notes had been mailed. Still they procrastinated and grumbled.
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对待感激的新态度 A New Attitude to Gratitude