第五十六章: 傻瓜和穿着大衣的男人 The Idiot and the Coat Men | 偷书贼
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On the night of the parade, the idiot sat in the kitchen, drinking bitter gulps of Holtzapfel's coffee and hankering for a cigarette. He waited for the Gestapo, the soldiers, the police -- for anyone -- to take him away, as he felt he deserved. Rosa ordered him to come to bed. The girl loitered in the doorway. He sent them both away and spent the hours till morning with his head in his hands, waiting.
Nothing came.
Every unit of time carried with it the expected noise of knocking and threatening words.
They did not come.
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第五十六章: 傻瓜和穿着大衣的男人 The Idiot and the Coat Men