第十八章: 铁船长 The Iron Captain | 冰与火之歌4: 群鸦的盛宴
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The wind was blowing from the north as the Iron Victory came round the point and entered the holy bay called Nagga's Cradle.
Victarion joined Nute the Barber at her prow. Ahead loomed the sacred shore of Old Wyk and the grassy hill above it, where the ribs of Nagga rose from the earth like the trunks of great white trees, as wide around as a dromond's mast and twice as tall.
The bones of the Grey King's Hall. Victarion could feel the magic of this place. "Balon stood beneath those bones, when first he named himself a king," he recalled. "He swore to win us back our freedoms, and Tarle the Thrice-Drowned placed a driftwood crown upon his head. 'BALON!' they cried. 'BALON! BALON KING!'"
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第十八章: 铁船长 The Iron Captain