第二十章: 克拉克夫人 Lady Clarke | ABC谋杀案
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There was an air of deep and settled melancholy over Combeside when we saw it again for the second time. This may, perhaps, have been partly due to the weather -- it was a moist September day with a hint of autumn in the air, and partly, no doubt, it was the semi-shut-up state of the house. The downstairs rooms were closed and shuttered, and the small room into which we were shown smelt damp and airless.
A capable-looking hospital nurse came to us there pulling down her starched cuffs.
"M. Poirot?" she said briskly. "I am Nurse Capstick. I got Mr Clarke's letter saying you were coming."
Poirot inquired after Lady Clarke's health.
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第二十章: 克拉克夫人 Lady Clarke