第十三章: 诺多族返回中土大陆 Of the Return of the Noldor | 精灵宝钻: 魔戒起源
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It has been told that Fëanor and his sons came first of the Exiles to Middle-earth, and landed in the waste of Lammoth, the Great Echo, upon the outer shores of the Firth of Drengist. And even as the Noldor set foot upon the strand their cries were taken up into the hills and multiplied, so that a clamour as of countless mighty voices filled all the coasts of the North; and the noise of the burning of the ships at Losgar went down the winds of the sea as a tumult of great wrath, and far away all who heard that sound were filled with wonder.
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第十三章: 诺多族返回中土大陆 Of the Return of the Noldor