第12章: 给奶奶的惊喜 A Surprise for Grannie | 海蒂(简化版)
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When the snow started to fall, Uncle Alp kept his promise and moved Heidi and the goats down to the village below. He had found a battered house that needed some repairs. He had been traveling back and forth since late August getting the house ready.
"It's beautiful," said Heidi when she saw it. "I've never seen such a big kitchen."
Grandfather showed her around the house and then she showed Peter.
Heidi started school and loved every lesson she learned. But she noticed that Peter was rarely in school. He would often say that there was too much snow to get down on the mountain. But Heidi wondered how he managed in the evenings to come and see her and Grandfather.
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第12章: 给奶奶的惊喜 A Surprise for Grannie