第十八章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一只叫恩斯特的猫 A Man Who Was Ove and a Cat Called Ernest | 一个叫欧维的男人
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Ove didn't dislike this cat in particular. It's just that he didn't much like cats in general. He'd always perceived them as untrustworthy. Especially when, as in the case of Ernest, they were as big as mopeds. It was actually quite difficult to determine whether he was just an unusually large cat or an outstandingly small lion. And you should never befriend something if there's a possibility it may take a fancy to eating you in your sleep.
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第十八章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一只叫恩斯特的猫 A Man Who Was Ove and a Cat Called Ernest