迈克尔·法拉第 致 萨拉·巴纳德 Michael Faraday to Sarah Barnard |
英语美文: 情书
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My dear Sarah,
It is astonishing how much the state of the body influences the powers of the mind. I have been thinking all the morning of the very delightful and interesting letter I would send you this evening, and now I am so tired, and yet have so much to do, that my thoughts are quite giddy, and run round your image without any power of themselves to stop and admire it. I want to say a thousand kind and, believe me, heartfelt things to you, but am not master of words fit for the purpose; and still, as I ponder and think on you, chlorides, trials, oil, Davy, steel, miscellanea, mercury, and fifty other professional fancies swim before and drive me further and further into the quandary of stupidness.
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迈克尔·法拉第 致 萨拉·巴纳德 Michael Faraday to Sarah Barnard