第十二章 | 茶花女
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At five in the morning, when daylight began to appear through the curtains, Marguerite said to me: "Forgive me if I shoo you away now, but I must. The Duke comes every morning; when he arrives, he'll be told I'm asleep, and he may wait for me to wake."
I took Marguerite's head in both my two hands, her loosened hair cascading on to her shoulders, and I gave her one last kiss, saying: "When will I see you again?"
"Listen," she went on, "take the little gold key on the mantelpiece there and unlock the door. Then bring me back the key and go. Sometime during the day, you'll receive a letter with my instructions, for you know that you must obey blindly."
"Yes? but what if I were already to ask you something?"
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