第三十九章: 诡计 Politicking | 红与黑2
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March 3 1, 1676. He that endeavoured to kill his sister in our house, had before kild a man, & it had cost his father 500 escus to get him off, by their secret distribution gaining the favour of the Counsellors. -- LOCKE, Travels in France
On leaving the bishop's palace, Mathilde did not hesitate to send a missive to Mme de Fervaques; fear of compromising herself did not hold her back for a single second. She entreated her rival to procure a letter for M. de Frilair, written from start to finish in the hand of Monsignor the Bishop of --. She went so far as to beseech her to come with all speed in person to Besançon. This was a heroic action on the part of a jealous and proud spirit.
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第三十九章: 诡计 Politicking