第六十章: 唐吉诃德赴巴塞罗那路上的遭遇 Of What Happened Don Quixote on His Way to Barcelona |
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It was a fresh morning giving promise of a cool day as Don Quixote quitted the inn, first of all taking care to ascertain the most direct road to Barcelona without touching upon Saragossa; so anxious was he to make out this new historian, who they said abused him so, to be a liar. Well, as it fell out, nothing worthy of being recorded happened him for six days, at the end of which, having turned aside out of the road, he was overtaken by night in a thicket of oak or cork trees; for on this point Cide Hamete is not as precise as he usually is on other matters.
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第六十章: 唐吉诃德赴巴塞罗那路上的遭遇 Of What Happened Don Quixote on His Way to Barcelona