第三章: 曾大人途中救命,姚小姐绝处逢生 |
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That happened to Mulan was this, as far as her parents could make out of her story later: When she found she was alone, she was very frightened, but did not cry She thought she must get down somehow from the cart and she did, when the horse came to a bridgehead and hesitated as if to make up its mind which road to take. Nobody was near, but she saw some soldiers a long distance away, and she knew that was the direction from which she had come. So she ran that way until she came to the crossroads. Everybody had gone, and then, overcome and dazed with fear, she sat on the roadside and wept. A group of soldiers came along and a fat, jolly fellow stopped to ask what was the matter.
"Good uncles, take me to my parents," she begged.
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第三章: 曾大人途中救命,姚小姐绝处逢生