第三十六章: “三摆裙伯爵夫人”又称“忧伤妇人”的咄咄怪事,以及桑乔写给他老婆的信 Wherein is Related the Strange and Undreamt-of Adventure of the Distressed Duenna, Alias the Countess Trifaldi, Together with a Letter Which Sancho Panza Wrote to His Wife, Teresa Panza | 唐吉诃德(下卷)
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The duke had a majordomo of a very facetious and sportive turn, and he it was that played the part of Merlin, made all the arrangements for the late adventure, composed the verses, and got a page to represent Dulcinea; and now, with the assistance of his master and mistress, he got up another of the drollest and strangest contrivances that can be imagined.
The duchess asked Sancho the next day if he had made a beginning with his penance task which he had to perform for the disenchantment of Dulcinea. He said he had, and had given himself five lashes overnight.
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第三十六章: “三摆裙伯爵夫人”又称“忧伤妇人”的咄咄怪事,以及桑乔写给他老婆的信 Wherein is Related the Strange and Undreamt-of Adventure of the Distressed Duenna, Alias the Countess Trifaldi, Together with a Letter Which Sancho Panza Wrote to His Wife, Teresa Panza