关于父爱的名人名言 Quotations About Fathers | 英语美文: 成长
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"A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again." -- Enid Bagnold
"It no longer bothers me that I may be constantly searching for father figures; by this time, I have found several and dearly enjoyed knowing them all." -- Alice Walker
"None of you can ever be proud enough of being the child of such a father who has not his equal in this world -- so great, so good, so faultless. Try, all of you, to follow in his footsteps and don't be discouraged, for to be really in everything like him none of you, I am sure, will ever be. Try, therefore, to be like him in some points, and you will have acquired a great deal." -- Victoria, Queen of England
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关于父爱的名人名言 Quotations About Fathers