第八十二章: 夜盗 Breaking and Entering | 基督山伯爵
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The day after the conversation that we have just recorded, the Count of Monte Cristo did indeed leave for Auteuil, with Ali, several servants and some horses which he wanted to try out. The main reason for his departure -- which he had not even considered on the previous day and about which Andrea knew no more than he did -- was the arrival of Bertuccio, who had come back from Normandy with news about the house and the boat. The house was ready -- and the corvette, delivered a week before and anchored in a small bay where it remained with its six-man crew, after completing all the necessary formalities, was already fully prepared to set sail.
The count praised Bertuccio's fine efforts and told him to stand by to depart soon, since he did not intend to stay longer than a month in France.
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第八十二章: 夜盗 Breaking and Entering