第二十九章: 哈克静心守夜 寡妇幸免遭难 | 汤姆·索耶历险记
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The first thing Tom heard on Friday morning was a glad piece of news -- Judge Thatcher's family had come back to town the night before. Both Injun Joe and the treasure sunk into secondary importance for a moment, and Becky took the chief place in the boy's interest. He saw her and they had an exhausting good time playing "hi–spy" and "gully–keeper" with a crowd of their school–mates. The day was completed and crowned in a peculiarly satisfactory way: Becky teased her mother to appoint the next day for the long–promised and long–delayed picnic, and she consented. The child's delight was boundless; and Tom's not more moderate. The invitations were sent out before sunset, and straightway the young folks of the village were thrown into a fever of preparation and pleasurable anticipation. Tom's excitement enabled him to keep awake until a pretty late hour, and he had good hopes of hearing Huck's "maow," and of having his treasure to astonish Becky and the picnickers with, next day; but he was disappointed. No signal came that night.
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第二十九章: 哈克静心守夜 寡妇幸免遭难