第六章: 长了两张脸的神灵 We Meet the God with Two Faces | 波西·杰克逊4: 迷宫之战
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We made it a hundred feet before we were hopelessly lost.
The tunnel looked nothing like the one Annabeth and I had stumbled into before. Now it was round like a sewer, constructed of red brick with iron-barred portholes ever ten feet. I shined a light through one of the portholes out of curiosity, but I couldn't see anything. It opened into infinite darkness.
I thought I heard voices on the other side, but it may have been just the cold wind.
Annabeth tried her best to guide us. She had this idea that we should stick to the left wall.
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第六章: 长了两张脸的神灵 We Meet the God with Two Faces