第51场: 梦境,戈德里克山谷,墓地 Dream, Godric's Hollow, Graveyard | 哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子
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YOUNG HARRY stands looking at a gravestone covered in bunches of flowers. He has a small bunch of flowers in his hand.
AUNT PETUNIA: "Go on then, lay down your grotty little flowers and then let's go. I already hate this poxy little village, I don't know why I even had the thought -- Godric's Hollow, Godless Hollow, more like, the place is clearly a hive of filth -- go on, chop-chop."
He approaches the grave. He stands a moment more.
AUNT PETUNIA: "Now, Harry… I don't have time for this. Duddy has his Cubs tonight and you know he hates to be late."
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第51场: 梦境,戈德里克山谷,墓地 Dream, Godric's Hollow, Graveyard