第八部 第三章: 埃居变成枯叶的结局 End of the Crown Which was Turned into a Dry Leaf |
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When she re-entered the audience hall, pale and limping, she was received with a general murmur of pleasure. On the part of the audience there was the feeling of impatience gratified which one experiences at the theatre at the end of the last entr'acte of the comedy, when the curtain rises and the conclusion is about to begin. On the part of the judges, it was the hope of getting their suppers sooner.
The little goat also bleated with joy. He tried to run towards his mistress, but they had tied him to the bench.
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第八部 第三章: 埃居变成枯叶的结局 End of the Crown Which was Turned into a Dry Leaf