第二十九章: 失踪的冠冕 The Lost Diadem | 哈利波特7: 死亡圣器
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"Neville -- what the -- how --?"
But Neville had spotted Ron and Hermione, and with yells of delight was hugging them too. The longer Harry looked at Neville, the worse he appeared: One of his eyes was swollen yellow and purple, there were gouge marks on his face, and his general air of unkemptness suggested that he had been living rough. Nevertheless, his battered visage shone with happiness as he let go of Hermione and said again, "I knew you'd come! Kept telling Seamus it was a matter of time!"
"Neville, what's happened to you?"
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第二十九章: 失踪的冠冕 The Lost Diadem