第二十章:鲁克斯摩尔太太的证辞 The Evidence of Mrs Luxmore | 底牌
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The maid who opened the door at Mrs Luxmore's South Kensington address looked at Hercule Poirot with deep disapproval. She showed no disposition to admit him into the house.
Unperturbed, Poirot gave her a card.
"Give that to your mistress. I think she will see me."
It was one of his more ostentatious cards. The words "Private Detective" were printed in one corner. He had had them specially engraved for the purpose of obtaining interviews with the so-called fair sex. Nearly every woman, whether conscious of innocence or not, was anxious to have a look at a private detective and find out what he wanted.
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第二十章:鲁克斯摩尔太太的证辞 The Evidence of Mrs Luxmore