Sometimes, I told Gloria the story Miss Franny Block had just told me. Or I imitated Otis tapping his pointy-toed boots and playing for all the animals, and that always made her laugh. And sometimes, I made up a story and Gloria Dump would listen to it all the way through from beginning to end. She told me she used to love to read stories, but she couldn't anymore because her eyes were so bad.
"Can't you get some really strong glasses?" I asked her.
"Child," she said, "they don't make glasses strong enough for these eyes."
One day, when the storytelling was done, I decided to tell Gloria that Otis was a criminal. I thought maybe I should tell an adult about it, and Gloria was the best adult I knew.
"Gloria?" I said.
"Mmmm-hmmm," she said back.
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第十四章: 过错树