Communication is unimpeded, so robert can be manipulated from this laptop. Jack starts tapping the keyboard again, and he starts typing one by one as directed above the operating guide in the document. Since the satellite can be automatically fine-tuned, it can be easily operated without expertise. However, the setting that should have been successfully completed, but there was a problem at the last minute. Although Robert is equipped with ultra-high performance thermal sensing devices that can even capture the heat emitted by submarines in the deep sea, once captured, it automatically tracks the object of attack until the other party is destroyed. Although it was designed specifically to cope with the harsh environment of space, Robert's thermosensing device has never been repaired and maintained, and its state is much worse than expected. Not to mention the deep sea, but the freedom sign floating on the sea at this time cannot be captured. Also, the cumulus generated by this storm is one of the reasons. No matter how much Jack taps the keyboard, there is only one line on the screen -- "Unable to lock target".
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Chapter 23: One