第四部 第二章: 掩体纪元11年,光速二号 Bunker Era, Year 11, Lightspeed II | 三体3: 死神永生
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The final destination of Cheng Xin and Cao Bin was Halo City, a medium space city. Medium cities were space cities whose interior areas were below two hundred square kilometers but above fifty square kilometers. Typically, these cities were mixed within formations of large cities, but two of the medium cities, Halo City and Lightspeed II, were situated far from the Jovian city cluster, almost outside the protection of Jupiter's shadow.
Before arriving at Halo City, the dinghy passed by Lightspeed II. Cao Bin told Cheng Xin that Lightspeed II used to be a science city and was one of the two research centers studying how to lower the speed of light to achieve the black domain state, but it had been abandoned. Cheng Xin was very interested and wanted to stop for a visit. Reluctantly, Cao Bin turned the dinghy in that direction.
"Why don't we just take a look from the outside?" Cao Bin said. "It's best not to go in. Is it dangerous?"
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第四部 第二章: 掩体纪元11年,光速二号 Bunker Era, Year 11, Lightspeed II